Reblog User Accounts/Authentication

$Revision: 1.4 $


By default, the feed-reading software component of reBlog, called reFeed, is a single-user application. Its database allows for multiple users to each maintain their own set of input feeds and published posts, but there is no account creation/management system, or method to authenticate different users.

However, in reBlog 2.1 beta, we have enabled multiple user accounts within one reFeed installation. The account management and authentication is piggybacked on other systems that refeed already interfaces with in different ways.

reFeed Built-in Auth

By default, reFeed does not authenticate or restrict access. By setting values for the REBLOG_HTTPAUTH_NAME and REBLOG_HTTPAUTH_PASS settings, as described in the install instructions, you can enable simple Basic HTTP Authentication for a single user.

Blog System Accounts/Auth Piggybacking

As mentioned, reFeed can now work with multiple users when installed within the context of other account-managing systems, as described below.

Movable Type

Install reFeed normally, but place the whole installation in the same directory as your mt.cgi, so that you would access reFeed at: Then set REBLOG_AUTH_TYPE to MT in config.php. reFeed will then authenticate against the Movable Type cookie and database, giving each user in your Movable Type installation their own reFeed account. For this to work, refeed must be configured to use the same MySQL database as Movable Type.


Do the same thing as for Movable Type, placing refeed inside your WordPress installation, and set REBLOG_AUTH_TYPE to WP in config.php. Then all of your WordPress users will have their own refeed accounts. For this to work, refeed must be configured to use the same MySQL database as WordPress.


We are also working on a tighter integration of reFeed with Drupal, but this is not quite ready for release. Get in touch with us if you want to chat about it.